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Vue: Gen 3
Not matching Utility Provider measurements
Not matching Utility Provider measurements
Kevin Wanek avatar
Written by Kevin Wanek
Updated over a week ago

Whenever Total (or Net) Usage from the Emporia Gen 3 Vue is not matching up with the utility provider measurements, there's a few things to double check:

  1. Ensure you're comparing the correct time frames of data together. That means that the device itself should have a Time Zone setting set properly and you'll want to make sure the data you're comparing against is for the same time period.

  2. Check that your 200A CT's are installed correctly. Tips on troubleshooting mains accuracy can be found here.

  3. Ensure there's no usage happening upstream from the energy monitor - especially if the Emporia data is under-counting as compared to the utility provider. Fairly common situation we run into that there's external breaker panels or power supplies happening upstream from the sensors/device where we can't detect that usage.

  4. After all of that is confirmed to be looking good, feel free to reach out to the Customer Support team to run diagnostics on your energy monitor. Helpful if you can provide the utility data you're comparing against as well as some details about the installation/setup of the Emporia energy monitor (as well as installation pictures if you have them available).

Feedback and Suggestions

This knowledge base is pretty new for the Emporia team. Our goal is to provide all of the information we can to help you manage your energy in better ways. If this article wasn't helpful, or we could be more clarifying on any points please reach out to the Customer Support team and we'll certainly work to improve these guides.

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