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CT's / Sensors - How do they work?
CT's / Sensors - How do they work?

The CT's are what measure current through your circuit lines - understanding their function helps ensure your Vue monitor is good to go.

Updated over 2 months ago

New!! We just released Circuit Merging!

The Current Transformers (CTs) are essential components of the Vue: Gen 3 home energy monitor, enabling it to measure power consumption in real-time with precision. These sensors are crafted with a unique magnetic material known as Ferrite, which possesses exceptional properties allowing for the accurate measurement of alternating current flowing through any circuit line or wire. Designed for ease of use, they feature a split-core design, enabling them to be easily clamped around a circuit line without the need for detaching the line or conducting any electrical work.

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Our 200A CTs are tailored explicitly for placement on the system's main lines, capable of measuring up to 200A when connected to the Vue: Gen 3's main ports (labeled A, B, and C). Meanwhile, the 50A CTs are capable of measuring currents up to 50A. It's important to note that exceeding these amperage limits will not damage the Vue: Gen 3 device or the sensors themselves. They are designed to monitor power passively, ensuring safety and reliability, with measurements capping at the mentioned limits due to the design of the Vue: Gen 3 device ports rather than the sensors themselves.

How Many 200A CTs Are Required?

The number of 200A CTs needed is determined by the phase count of your electrical system, requiring one 200A CT sensor per phase/live main line. It's important to note that neutral and/or ground lines are not considered in the "phase" count.

Can I Use a 200A CT on a Side Port?

Absolutely - If you want to use the larger sensors, you'll need to re-attach the sensor wires into the smaller 50A CT-sized terminal block to fit into the side port. It's important that you match the black wire (positive) from the CT to the properly marked black/solid terminal indicator labeled on the device and the white wire (negative) to the white/empty terminal indicator. Once properly attached, you can add a 4.0 multiplier to that circuit within the app settings to adjust the calibration for the different sensor sizes.

Can I Use a 50A CT on a Top Port?

Yes, you can. This will require you to re-attach the sensor wires into a 200A CT terminal block for compatibility with the device port and a 0.25 multiplier within the app settings for sensor size calibration adjustments.

Flexible Sensors

We are excited to announce that Flexible Sensors are available for the Vue: Gen 3 devices as of Fall '24. These sensors offer a versatile solution for situations where accessing mains is challenging. Unlike standard CTs, Flexible Sensors utilize "Rogowski coils" and have a separate 120/240V power supply included with your purchase from our shop. These coils are designed to easily attach around a circuit line without disconnection, mirroring standard CTs' convenience.

To ensure compatibility and proper installation space for Flexible Sensors, please look at the specifications yeon our website.

We Want Your Feedback

At Emporia, our goal is to empower you with the information you need to manage your energy more effectively. If you have any feedback or need further clarification on any points mentioned, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team. We are committed to continuously improving our guides based on your feedback.

We're thrilled about the launch of the Vue: Gen 3 home energy monitor and the innovative features it brings to your home. We believe this technology will significantly enhance your ability to monitor and manage your energy usage, making your home smarter and more efficient.

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