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Does the Gen 2 require a professional electrician to install?
Does the Gen 2 require a professional electrician to install?
Kevin Wanek avatar
Written by Kevin Wanek
Updated over a week ago

Not necessarily. We designed the Gen 2 installation to be as simple as possible, so the vast majority of customers can install it themselves. Its certainly understandable that you might not be comfortable working within an electrical panel in this way - so you can certainly reach out to friends/family members to help. If deciding to go with a professional electrician, we generally recommend printing out the installation guides beforehand and have them available for the installer.

Feedback and Suggestions

This knowledge base is pretty new for the Emporia team. Our goal is to provide all of the information we can to help you manage your energy in better ways. If this article wasn't helpful, or we could be more clarifying on any points please reach out to the Customer Support team and we'll certainly work to improve these guides.

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